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5 reasons you haven't bought bitcoin yet

Are you contemplating buying your first Bitcoin, yet find yourself hesitating due to prevailing myths and uncertainties? You're not alone. At The Bitcoin Adviser, we understand that the journey into Bitcoin can be filled with questions and doubts. That's why we've crafted a comprehensive article aimed at dispelling common myths and providing insightful guidance for those new to Bitcoin.

We delve into the heart of misconceptions that might be holding you back, from the mistaken belief that Bitcoin is akin to a Ponzi scheme, to concerns about its volatility, energy usage, backing, and its place in a diversified investment strategy.

At The Bitcoin Adviser, we believe in empowering our readers with facts and nuanced understanding. So, if you're ready to explore Bitcoin beyond the headlines and hype, our article is the perfect starting point.

#1. "Is Bitcoin a Ponzi Scheme?"

Myth: You may have heard that Bitcoin is just another Ponzi scheme.

Reality Check: Bitcoin vs. Ponzi Schemes

Decentralised Nature

Bitcoin stands in stark contrast to Ponzi schemes due to its decentralised nature. Unlike a Ponzi scheme, which relies on a centralised figure or group controlling the flow of money, Bitcoin operates on a decentralised network. This network is powered by a global community of users, miners, and developers. The decentralised architecture ensures that no single entity has control over the network, making it inherently resistant to the kind of manipulation characteristic of Ponzi schemes.

Lack of Promised Returns

A defining feature of a Ponzi scheme, as Lyn Alden articulates, is the promise of high returns with little or no risk, luring investors with the allure of quick, guaranteed profits. Bitcoin, however, offers no such promises. Since its inception by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has been presented as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, focusing on the technical and philosophical aspects of decentralisation and financial autonomy. There were never promises of profit or guaranteed returns made by its creators or core developers, which diverges significantly from the modus operandi of Ponzi schemes.

Open-Source Code

The transparency of Bitcoin is another aspect that distances it from the deceptive nature of Ponzi schemes. Bitcoin’s code is open-source, meaning it is publicly accessible for anyone to review, audit, and contribute to. This transparency allows users to understand exactly how the system operates, the total supply of bitcoins, and how new bitcoins are created and distributed. In a Ponzi scheme, the internal workings are typically shrouded in secrecy, with investors having little to no understanding of how returns are generated.

Evolution Without Centralised Leadership

Bitcoin's development and growth have occurred organically without centralised leadership or control. Its evolution is driven by a distributed community of developers and users, making decisions through consensus. This contrasts sharply with a Ponzi scheme, which typically collapses when the centralised party orchestrating the scheme can no longer maintain the illusion of profitability.

Lyn Alden's Perspective

In her comprehensive analysis, Lyn Alden emphasises these distinct aspects of Bitcoin. She argues that Bitcoin’s operational model is fundamentally different from that of a Ponzi scheme. By highlighting its decentralised consensus mechanism, lack of promised financial returns, open-source nature, and leaderless growth, Alden effectively debunks the notion that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.

By understanding these key differences, it becomes clear that Bitcoin operates on principles that are antithetical to those of a Ponzi scheme. Its design and operational model offer a transparent, decentralised alternative to traditional financial systems, challenging the conventional understanding of what constitutes a secure and viable financial asset.

#2. "Bitcoin’s Volatility: A Hindrance or An Opportunity?"

Myth: You may think the high volatility of Bitcoin doesn't make it comfortable for you to invest in.

Counterpoint: Understanding Bitcoin's Volatility

The Nature of Volatility in Bitcoin

Bitcoin's volatility is often cited as a major concern for potential investors. However, insights from Parker Lewis writing at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute shed light on why this volatility is not only a natural but an expected aspect of Bitcoin's evolution. In its early stages and growth phases, any innovative asset class is likely to experience significant price fluctuations. This volatility is a part of the price discovery process, where the market is continuously adjusting to new information, adoption rates, and technological advancements.

Volatility and Price Discovery

Bitcoin, being a relatively new asset class with a market that is still maturing, naturally exhibits higher volatility compared to established assets. This is akin to the early days of other transformative technologies or asset classes, where initial uncertainty and speculative interest lead to fluctuating prices. Over time, as the market matures and becomes more liquid, these price swings are expected to moderate. This process of price discovery is critical for establishing the long-term value of Bitcoin.

Potential as a Long-Term Store of Value

Despite its volatility, Bitcoin holds significant potential as a long-term store of value. This is primarily due to its fixed supply cap of 21 million coins, making it inherently deflationary. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed endlessly, the limited supply of Bitcoin ensures that it cannot be devalued through oversupply. This scarcity, akin to precious metals like gold, underpins its potential as a store of value over the long term.

Adoption and Stabilisation of Value

As Bitcoin continues to gain adoption – both by individual investors and institutions – its market is expected to become more robust and less susceptible to sharp fluctuations. This increasing adoption, coupled with a better understanding of Bitcoin's value proposition, will likely lead to a more stable price in the long run. The integration of Bitcoin into mainstream financial systems and products, such as ETFs and futures markets, also adds to its legitimacy and could help in stabilising its value over time.

The Future of Bitcoin

Parker Lewis posits that as Bitcoin matures and its adoption grows, it will transition from being seen primarily as a speculative investment to a recognised store of value and potentially even a medium of exchange. This transition will be gradual and fueled by technological advancements, regulatory clarity, and a growing recognition of its unique attributes – such as decentralisation, censorship resistance, and the security of its underlying blockchain technology.

While Bitcoin's volatility is undeniable, it should be viewed within the context of its growth stage and the broader process of market maturation. The very factors that contribute to its volatility today – its novelty, evolving technology, and growing pains – are also what hold the potential for significant value in the future. As the market matures and understanding of Bitcoin's role in the financial ecosystem deepens, we can expect to see a stabilisation in its value, solidifying its position as a credible and valuable asset class.

#3. "The Energy Consumption Debate"

Myth: You may have heard that Bitcoin mining is criticised for its excessive energy consumption.

Reality Check: Bitcoin Mining and Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy in Bitcoin Mining

The environmental impact of Bitcoin mining is a common concern, but recent data presents a more nuanced picture. A significant portion of Bitcoin mining is powered by renewable energy sources. For instance, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF) estimates that about 39% of the total energy consumption for Bitcoin mining comes from renewables. This includes sources like hydroelectric power, wind, and solar energy, which are more sustainable and have a lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels.

High Renewables Penetration

The penetration of renewables in the energy mix for Bitcoin mining is notable. CoinShares, in their research, estimated that as of December 2019, about 73% of the Bitcoin mining network was powered by renewable energy. This high percentage showcases the Bitcoin mining industry’s move towards more sustainable practices, countering the narrative of Bitcoin as an environmentally damaging technology.

Utilising Stranded Gas

A groundbreaking advancement in Bitcoin mining is the utilisation of stranded gas. Stranded gas refers to natural gas that is typically wasted or underutilised, often due to logistical challenges in transporting it. Bitcoin mining operations have started to use this stranded gas to power their mining activities. This not only provides a use for otherwise wasted energy but also reduces carbon and methane emissions associated with gas flaring.

Companies like Crusoe Energy Systems are leading the way in this field. They have set up Bitcoin mining units powered by stranded gas, preventing large amounts of gas from being flared. Such initiatives can transform waste into a valuable resource while mitigating environmental harm.

Regulatory Compliance and Revenue Generation

Mining operations using stranded gas can also help companies comply with regulations aimed at reducing flaring and venting of natural gas. By converting this gas into electricity for Bitcoin mining, these companies can avoid regulatory fines and generate significant revenue, a win-win for both the environment and the economy.

Environmental and Economic Synergy

The use of renewable energy and stranded gas in Bitcoin mining represents a synergy between environmental responsibility and economic viability. By leveraging energy sources that would otherwise be wasted or underutilised, Bitcoin mining can contribute to a more efficient and sustainable energy landscape.

The narrative around Bitcoin mining and its environmental impact is evolving. With a significant portion of mining operations powered by renewable energy and innovative solutions like the use of stranded gas, Bitcoin mining is demonstrating its potential for environmental sustainability. This shift towards greener practices is a vital step in addressing the environmental concerns associated with Bitcoin mining and showcases the industry's commitment to sustainable growth.

#4. "What Backs Bitcoin?"

Myth: You may think that Bitcoin isn’t backed by anything tangible.

Perspective Shift: Understanding What Backs Bitcoin

The Foundation of Bitcoin: Code and Consensus

Bitcoin's backing is fundamentally different from traditional assets. It isn't supported by physical commodities or government decree, but by its unique code and the consensus among its vast network of users. This code dictates the rules of the network, including the critical aspects of scarcity, immutability, and security, which are all enforced and verified by a global community. 

Scarcity: A Digital Gold

Bitcoin's code has embedded within it a strict limit of 21 million coins that can ever be created, making it digitally scarce. This scarcity is akin to precious metals like gold, which have long been valued for their limited supply. In the digital realm, Bitcoin's scarcity mirrors the fundamental principles of a store of value, ensuring that it cannot be devalued through oversupply.

Immutability: Unchangeable Transaction History

One of Bitcoin's defining features is its immutability. Once a transaction is recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This immutability is ensured by the blockchain technology and the consensus mechanism that secures it. In a world where digital information can be easily manipulated, the unchangeability of Bitcoin's transaction history offers a stark contrast and a significant advantage.

Security: A Network Fortified by Miners

The security of Bitcoin is backed by a vast network of miners who use computational power to validate transactions and secure the blockchain. This decentralised security model means that compromising the network would require an impractical amount of computational resources, making Bitcoin one of the most secure digital assets.

Bitcoin vs. Traditional Store of Value Assets

In the traditional sense, assets like gold or government-backed currencies are considered stores of value. Gold's value is partly derived from its physical properties and industrial uses, while fiat currencies are backed by the faith and credit of governments. Bitcoin, on the other hand, derives its value from its technological innovation, its network effects, and the trust of its users in the system's integrity and potential.

A Fresh Viewpoint in the Digital Age

In the digital age, the concept of what backs an asset is evolving. Bitcoin challenges conventional notions by offering a form of digital scarcity and security that is not reliant on physical properties or central authorities. Its value is underpinned by the trust and agreement of its community in its underlying code and principles.

Understanding what backs Bitcoin requires a shift in perspective, recognising that in the digital world, value can be derived from the unique properties of technology and the consensus of a distributed network. Bitcoin's scarcity, immutability, and security offer a compelling argument for its role as a store of value in the modern financial landscape, standing apart from traditional assets in its novel and innovative approach to value creation.

#5. "Complacency and the Cost of Inaction"

Myth: You may be indifferent, content with the status quo, and sceptical of the need for an alternative like Bitcoin.

Wake-Up Call: The Need for Diversification with Bitcoin

Navigating Economic Instability

In an era marked by economic instability, high inflation, and unpredictable government and banking interventions, diversifying one's investment portfolio is more than just prudent; it's a necessity for financial resilience. Traditional investments, while still valuable, are increasingly vulnerable to these macroeconomic factors. Herein lies the wake-up call: ignoring the potential of Bitcoin in your investment strategy could mean missing out on a crucial hedge against these uncertainties.

Bitcoin: A Hedge Against Inflation and Instability

Bitcoin has emerged as a notable hedge against inflation and economic instability. Its decentralised nature means it is not subject to the whims of government policies or banking regulations. In contrast to fiat currencies, which can lose value due to inflation or devaluation, Bitcoin's fixed supply cap makes it inherently resistant to devaluation through oversupply.

Understanding the Risks of Complacency

Complacency in investment strategies, especially in times of economic turmoil, can lead to significant vulnerabilities. Relying solely on traditional financial systems and ignoring the burgeoning world of digital assets could mean exposure to greater risks associated with currency devaluation, inflation, and even geopolitical tensions that can affect global markets.

Bitcoin's Role in Financial Sovereignty

Investing in Bitcoin is not just about potential financial gain; it's about taking a step towards financial sovereignty. Bitcoin offers a level of autonomy over one's assets, free from centralised control and manipulation. In a world where privacy and control over personal finances are becoming increasingly important, Bitcoin provides an avenue for individuals to assert their financial independence.

  • Educate Yourself: Start by understanding Bitcoin—its workings, benefits, and risks. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to making informed investment decisions.
  • Consider Diversification: Look at Bitcoin as a part of a diversified investment strategy. Even a small allocation to Bitcoin can potentially offer significant benefits in terms of risk mitigation and return potential.
  • Think Long-Term: Approach Bitcoin with a long-term perspective. While short-term volatility is undeniable, the long-term view of Bitcoin as a store of value could be beneficial.
  • Embrace Innovation: Recognize that we are in the midst of a financial evolution. Being open to innovative investment options like Bitcoin could position you advantageously in the changing financial landscape.


As we navigate through these turbulent economic times, it's clear that a reassessment of traditional investment strategies is not just beneficial, but necessary. The integration of Bitcoin into your portfolio represents more than a trend; it's a proactive step towards mitigating risks associated with economic instability and the ever-looming threat of inflation. Moreover, it offers an exciting journey towards financial sovereignty and independence.

However, delving into the world of Bitcoin requires careful consideration, education, and a strategic approach. This is where we, at The Bitcoin Adviser, step in to be your guiding light. We're not here to hand out financial advice, but rather to empower you with knowledge and understanding. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions that resonate with your personal financial goals and circumstances.

If you're intrigued by the potential of Bitcoin but unsure where to start, or if you're seeking to secure your digital assets with effective estate planning and asset protection strategies, we're here to assist. At The Bitcoin Adviser, we specialise in helping individuals like yourself navigate the complexities of Bitcoin, ensuring your journey is not only rewarding but also secure for generations to come.

Remember, in a world of financial uncertainties, the key is not to avoid risks but to understand and navigate them wisely. Reach out to us at The Bitcoin Adviser, and let's explore how Bitcoin can fit into your life and portfolio, crafted to your unique needs and vision. Together, let's turn these uncertain times into an opportunity for growth, security, and financial clarity.